Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

  • All Consumer or Direct Seller Queries are submitted through the online portal
  • The person who submits the complaint/request can review the status by calling our customer care using phone number +XX
  • All Grievance queries which are likely to be resolved within 15 days are solved at the lowest level of escalation matrix i.e. by the customer care representative who is answerable to the the officer mentioned below
  • If the nature of the query is such that is not likely to be resolved within 15 days, the query will be escalated to the the the respective officer mentioned below
  • The standard resolution timeline is 15 working days from the date of submission
  • The escalated queries are to be resolved within 45 days from the date of submission
Name of Officer Contact Details Resolution Timeline Assignment / Escalation Trigger
Phone: +XX
15-45 Days Queries which can take longer than 15 days
  • Refunds
  • Business Plan
  • Commission
  • Payout
Phone: +XX
15-45 Days Product / Services Related Queries which taken longer than 15 days