Refund Policy

Refund Policy


Before accepting shipment of any product(s), the receiving Direct Seller / Customer must ensure that the product's packaging is not damaged or tampered. If the receiving Direct Seller / Customer observes that the package is damaged or tampered, he/she must refuse to accept delivery and inform the Company within 24 Hours. The return process of the product(s) may be restricted by the Company depending on the nature / category of the product(s) or the legitimacy of the complaint / return


In case of any defect (manufacturing or packaging) or dissatisfaction the Direct Sellers / Customers can return/exchange the product(s).

The Direct Sellers / Customers must contact the Company / Direct Seller from whom they had Purchased the same, within 15 days from the date of purchase. The Customer has to provide a reason for the return / refund along with the said product(s).

In case the customer returns the product(s), it is the Direct Seller's obligation to satisfy the customer’s need for money refund or replacements of product(s).

The Direct Seller can then return the product(s), with original Invoice to the Company. The Company will replace these product(s) or if the Direct Seller does not want the same product(s), the Company will give a Cash Voucher of the original order amount less the taxes which can be used by the Direct Seller for purchasing product(s) / service(s) of their choice.


In order to return any product(s) sold through the Website, Customer / Direct Seller are required to comply with the below mentioned conditions:

  • Notify the Company of receipt of a damaged/ defective product(s) within 48-hours of delivery.
  • If Customer / Direct Seller is unable to do so within the above specified timeline, the Company shall not be held liable for the failure to replace the order
  • Customer / Direct Seller will arrange pick-up of the damaged/defective product(s)
  • Product(s) should be returned in their original packaging along with the original price tags, labels, barcodes, user manual, warranty card, invoice etc.
  • It is advised that the return packets should be strongly and adequately packaged so that there is no further damage of products during transit, if it damaged during the transit the Company will evaluate the damage and intimate the Customer / Direct Seller about the repercussions.
  • The returned products are subject to verification and checks by the Company in order to determine the legitimacy of the complaint / return.

To raise a refund or return request by the Customer / Direct Seller here are the steps to be followed :

  1. Fill the Product Return Form (Online / Offline)
  2. Mention the reason for refund / replacement
  3. Attach the Copy of Invoice
  4. Attach the Photo of the product(s) if required to explain the reason
  5. Prepare / Package the Product(s) along with the the above mentioned form and attachments
  6. Return the above mentioned package to the company address
  7. Intimate the Company / Direct Seller about the return

Upon receiving the return /refund request, the Company shall verify the authenticity and the nature of the complaint and if the Company is convinced that the complaint is genuine, the Company will proceed with the refund process.

However, in the event of frivolous and baseless complaints regarding the quality and content of the product(s), the Company reserves the right to take necessary legal actions against the concerned Direct Sellers / Customers and the concerned Direct Sellers / Customers will be solely liable for all costs incurred by the Company in this regard.

Orders paid online will be refunded within 10 days through the online account or via cheque, depending on the current circumstances as determined by the Company


For any queries regarding the Return / Refund of product(s) please contact us on the following :

Return / Refund Helpline Phone number : +XX

Return / Refund Email : XXX

Return / Refund Address: XXX, XXX, XXX, XX, XX, XX, XX.